Saturday 22 February 2014

Iceland Day 1....ish

Well our trip has been very 'unadventurous' so far - the coach was on time, the kids were lovely, no one was late coming back to the coach at the services, we went through check in without a hitch, the flight was early and smooth, and the coach has brought us to our hotel in good time......... so not too much to report.

So here is an alternative introduction to our Icelandic Saga.......

let the story telling begin!!

Well, you would not believe the stuff these kids have packed!!!  the knives and hatchets we have had to confiscate from Nicholas B was outstanding - when we eventually got the police to assist us and hold him down, he kicked off again!!  we found the usual drugs in Alex Smith's luggage - no wonder he is so tall !!  Also the 'Connie Crew' as they like to be called had a fist fight with the stewardesses in the middle of the flight - so we've been rerouted to Istanbul, and are awaiting the custom's officers to come and interview Ben O'Neil about some illegal gun-smuggling racket he has had going.......

The Sam gang then picked a fight in the middle of the luggage carousel - and the resulting chaos has meant we have lost Ollie, Amelia and Eleri!!  We hope to be able to make it to Iceland eventually.......

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