Sunday 23 February 2014

Day 2 - evening...

We are on our way to dinner, then a night searching for the Northern Lights.... Too busy to be able to update our blog page. Loads available on our Twitter feed....

Catch you later!!!

well that was an interesting evening.....  not only did we NOT have chicken at BK Chicken - but we probably saw thee most spectacular show of the Northern Lights you are ever likely to see!!!!!

Our guide said it was in his top 10! - And he was quite old, and goes looking for these shows for months each year.....just saying!!

Anyway - another miracle - I managed to work out the settings on the camera, and got the tripod to stay still - so here are my photos from the evening.....enjoy!  xxx

Iceland - Day 1 - evening.....

Well after an eventful evening of team challenges...and we know points mean prizes!!  We set the team many different tasks -

  1. The best Geographical/Geological or Obscure Photo competition;
  2. Family badges - the most innovative name badge - points for wearing it!
  3. Family/Room mascot to feature in our future travels - great for photo opportunities along the way;
  4. Trip Rap/Song;
  5. Trip motto;
  6. Trip Logo;
  7. Room prizes - for on the spot checks!!
  8. Interested 'staged' photos of interesting features;
  9. The most ‘morning person’ - 'I do mornings’ person….
  10. Photo of the funniest signpost;
  11. Who said this……. 'Are there actually eggs in the shower?
The room mascots were created and judged by the 'Icelandic Dragons' - who were a very fair, balanced and unbiased group.....ish!

The competitors had to explain their creation, and the meaning behind the various features they showed.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Day 2 - Iceland

Iceland - Day 1 - the real story!!

We are settling into our hotel - and it is warm, clean and friendly!  We are charging the various pieces of technology and skyping friends and family!!

The kids are great - helpful, friendly and really excited about the days ahead.

We will be heading out to BK Chicken for dinner later - but for now we are chill in"

We are hoping to go out late tomorrow night to see the Northern Lights - as there is a lot of 'activity' and hopefully clear skies to see it!!

Pictures to follow - we hope!!

Your kids are doing you proud - and the good name of the school is in safe hands!!

bye for now

Mrs L

Iceland Day 1....ish

Well our trip has been very 'unadventurous' so far - the coach was on time, the kids were lovely, no one was late coming back to the coach at the services, we went through check in without a hitch, the flight was early and smooth, and the coach has brought us to our hotel in good time......... so not too much to report.

So here is an alternative introduction to our Icelandic Saga.......

let the story telling begin!!

Well, you would not believe the stuff these kids have packed!!!  the knives and hatchets we have had to confiscate from Nicholas B was outstanding - when we eventually got the police to assist us and hold him down, he kicked off again!!  we found the usual drugs in Alex Smith's luggage - no wonder he is so tall !!  Also the 'Connie Crew' as they like to be called had a fist fight with the stewardesses in the middle of the flight - so we've been rerouted to Istanbul, and are awaiting the custom's officers to come and interview Ben O'Neil about some illegal gun-smuggling racket he has had going.......

The Sam gang then picked a fight in the middle of the luggage carousel - and the resulting chaos has meant we have lost Ollie, Amelia and Eleri!!  We hope to be able to make it to Iceland eventually.......

Friday 21 February 2014

6 hours.......

See you all at 4.30ish in Upper School Car Park - ready to start our adventure at 5am - passing through the school gates to the trip of a lifetime!!

Mrs L

Thursday 20 February 2014

Last minute reminders....

Dear all travellers,

I hope you are nearly all packed and ready to go. 

A few reminders before we meet you at the upper school sports centre on Saturday morning

Meeting before 5am, so we are ready to depart at 5!

1. Passport
2. Money (krona and sterling for airport)
3. School hoodie
4. Plug adapters 
5. Bathers for blue lagoon
6. Camera and spare batteries
7. Wash kit
8. Warm and dry clothes, hats, gloves and scarf
9. Pen for writing postcards and completing challenges 
10. Warm coat ready for Iceland's weather 
11. Towel for blue lagoon if you're not borrowing one from hotel
12. Rucksack for drinks, iPod, headphones etc
13. Luggage label with address of hotel and your name. 
14. Prepared for an adventure!!!!

I think that's it for now, I'll see you all soon

Mrs Noreen Linforth
Mr Gareth Daniel
Mrs Anne Chisholm-Jones
Mrs Dawn Hodnett